NEWSLETTER JPIC-ED MSOLA Missionary Sisters of O. L. of Africa N. 16 - April 2018 RESPECT FOR DIFFERENCES ATTENTION…HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS HERE The mayor of Pierrefonds-Roxboro organized a multirelig- On the occasion of the feast of St Josephine Bakhita, 8 th...
NEWSLETTER JPIC-ED MSOLA Missionary Sisters of O. L. of Africa N. 16 - April 2018 RESPECT FOR DIFFERENCES ATTENTION…HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS HERE The mayor of Pierrefonds-Roxboro organized a multirelig- On the occasion of the feast of St Josephine Bakhita, 8 th February ious event to mark the «Day of Remembrance and Action 2019, the Lavigerie community of Karlsruhe, Germany organized against islamophobia and all forms of discrimination» on the an evening of awareness raising about human trafficking, in col- occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the attack on the Great laboration with « Justice Project », a local NGO. Mosque of Quebec (29/1/2017). To continue building up ‘living together’, he was concerned about making the popula- Weeks before, we had distributed posters in the parishes, univer- tion aware of the need to affirm loud and clear that we all sities and public areas as well as in the NGO’s, in publications and belong to one and the same humanity despite our racial, cul- on internet