Action KA1 – Erasmus+ School Education Staff Mobility funding Title of the project: „5L (Let’s live like lifelong learners) No. 2018-1-IT02-KA101-047189 Activity type: SE – JOB-SHDW – Job Shadowing PERIOD: 18-22nd March 2019 PLACE: Istituto Comprensivo di...
Action KA1 – Erasmus+ School Education Staff Mobility funding Title of the project: „5L (Let’s live like lifelong learners) No. 2018-1-IT02-KA101-047189 Activity type: SE – JOB-SHDW – Job Shadowing PERIOD: 18-22nd March 2019 PLACE: Istituto Comprensivo di Maniago – MANIAGO (PN) ITALY Feedback Form After listening, watching, discussions and much more, please evaluate the following aspects of the activity entitled – SE – JOB-SHDW – Job Shadowing and score it on a scale from one to five. 1.very bad 2.bad 3.satisfactory 4.good 5.very good How would you rate ➢ the activity as a whole 1----------2------------3------------4------------5 Suggestions: An amazing experience as a whole! ➢ the way the activity was organized 1-------2--------3---------4--------5 Suggestions: The coordinator did her job extremely well! I had hoped that the teachers who are coming to Finland would have spent more time with us. In that way we would have had better chances to organize the upcoming visit in Finland. ➢ t