Dé se rtif act’ io ns 2 02 2S ynt he ssi Desertif’actions 2022 Organised for the fifth time in three stages over 10 months, involving many different actors Over 350 people from 17 countries participated in national workshops 8 factsheets and 3 position...
Dé se rtif act’ io ns 2 02 2S ynt he ssi Desertif’actions 2022 Organised for the fifth time in three stages over 10 months, involving many different actors Over 350 people from 17 countries participated in national workshops 8 factsheets and 3 position papers created 29 associations representatives from 13 countries brought the D’a22 recommendations to the COP15 5 side events organised at the COP15 270 participants from 39 countries contributed to the International Civil Society Summit Over 100 stands and 50 speakers during the Land and Seeds Festival (Festival des Terres et des Graines)