EFFECTIVE E-LEARNING SYSTEM BASED ON DIGITAL COMPETENCES Project Nr. 2018-1-LV01-KA229-046952 Statistics on ICT Survey – Teachers In November 2018 a survey with a questionnaire in a random sample of teachers was held, concerning mainly ICT Knowledge. In the...
EFFECTIVE E-LEARNING SYSTEM BASED ON DIGITAL COMPETENCES Project Nr. 2018-1-LV01-KA229-046952 Statistics on ICT Survey – Teachers In November 2018 a survey with a questionnaire in a random sample of teachers was held, concerning mainly ICT Knowledge. In the survey participated 201 teachers from Croatia, Latvia, Romania, Greece, Sweden and Portugal. Q1. Country: most respondents were from Sweden and less from Latvia. Percentages are proportional to teaching staff of each school Country Croatia Sweden 15% 26% Greece 19% Romania 16% Latvia 6% Portugal 18% Q2. Age: most teachers are over 40 years old and less under 30 Age under 30 5% 50 or more from 40 to 49 37% 37% from 30 to 39 21%