№32/2019 Znanstvena misel journal The journal is registered and published in Slovenia. ISSN 3124-1123 VOL.1 The frequency of publication – 12 times per year. Journal is published in Slovenian, English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian. The format of the journal...
№32/2019 Znanstvena misel journal The journal is registered and published in Slovenia. ISSN 3124-1123 VOL.1 The frequency of publication – 12 times per year. Journal is published in Slovenian, English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian. The format of the journal is A4, coated paper, matte laminated cover. All articles are reviewed Edition of journal does not carry responsibility for the materials published in a journal. Sending the article to the editorial the author confirms it’s uniqueness and takes full responsibility for possible consequences for breaking copyright laws Free access to the electronic version of journal Chief Editor – Christoph Machek The executive secretary - Damian Gerbec Dragan Tsallaev — PhD, senior researcher, professor Dorothea Sabash — PhD, senior researcher Vatsdav Blažek — candidate of philological sciences Philip Matoušek — doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Alicja Antczak — Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Katarzyna Brzozowski — PhD,