To innovate means to grow. This is what we believe, and we are convinced that to disti ngue from the mass presuppose the willing to know that push the most att enti ve persons. We are convinced that you can produce in Italy off ering in this way the added...
To innovate means to grow. This is what we believe, and we are convinced that to disti ngue from the mass presuppose the willing to know that push the most att enti ve persons. We are convinced that you can produce in Italy off ering in this way the added quality
of the Italian style. We believe also that each product has to represent the best technically and qualitati ve expression without any added cost. We believe at the last that your freedom to choose has to be infi nitive.
Marlanvil SpA and Eelectron, an important partnership born with the intenti on
to give access to their customers an always wider and more complete range of products.