Netzwerk Afrika Deutschland (NAD) - AEFJN To till and keep the garden of the world - The human meaning of ecology Our relationship between humankind and nature was for a long time strongly influenced by the first...
Netzwerk Afrika Deutschland (NAD) - AEFJN To till and keep the garden of the world - The human meaning of ecology Our relationship between humankind and nature was for a long time strongly influenced by the first biblical story of creation. There God gives Adam and Eve the mandate “to fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen 1:28). This has encouraged “the unbridled exploitation of nature“. Pope Francis emphasises God’s command in the second creation story “to work and keep” the Garden of Eden. (Gen. 2:15) In ‘Laudato Si‘, he develops a new and profound theology of creation which looks at human beings as part of nature and as God’s responsible co-workers in creation. There can be no well-grounded ecology without a sound anthropology. We are not God. The earth was here before us and it has been given to us... The biblical texts…tell us “to till and keep the garden of the world” (Gen 2:15). ‘Tilling’ refers to cultivating, ploughing or working, while ‘ke