Hart Culture is the No.1 frim for Arts & Cultural Engagement. Hart Culture will be taking a lead in Basic Arts Education and Experiential Projects to educate local communities about 'The Golden Era'. The 'Golden Era', is a cosmological calculation observed...
Hart Culture is the No.1 frim for Arts & Cultural Engagement. Hart Culture will be taking a lead in Basic Arts Education and Experiential Projects to educate local communities about 'The Golden Era'. The 'Golden Era', is a cosmological calculation observed by Ancient Egyptians, and the people of Mayan, as a celebration of the 'End of an old solstice cycle', giving way to a 'New cycle - the Fifth sun'.
This will no doubt see a change in the conscious and spiritual inclination of humanity on earth, its systems, educational outlook and social outlook. This intuitive brochure published by HC Publishing puts forth a series of workshops and seminars to help Inspire Local people to dream bigger, Inspire Excellence and make a 'change' for brighter and more inclusive futures.